Strefa Treningu


Workout Zone

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Yoga means the harmonious relationship of the body with the breath and mind. Body training through the practice of asanas (yoga poses) gives you health and harmony, allows you to precisely and consciously establish contact with various parts of our body. This practice, refined over thousands of years, has a deliberate effect on every muscle, nerve, gland, and organ in the human body. At the same time, scientific research reports on the effectiveness of yoga practice in preventing civilization diseases. Yoga practice makes the body strong, flexible and light. Stretching and expanding the body combined with relaxing at the same time make yoga so attractive and effective at the same time. Performing asanas brings relief to tired muscles after an exhausting day. It nourishes tissues, helps to control everyday stress and improves mood.

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PILATES – a whole body training that pays special attention to precision and control of every movement. By guiding each movement from the center, we train the deep muscles, stabilization, body awareness and the ability to combine breath and movement into one.

Thanks to this, pilates can (and should!) Be practiced by everyone, regardless of age and level of fitness. Pilates is also an indispensable supplement to training of athletes, it is perfect for rehabilitation.

Pilates training takes place on special equipment designed for these exercises: REFORMER, CADILLAC, SPRINGBOARD, sometimes also on a mat and with the use of small equipment (magic cyrcle, ovo ball, tapes, sensory discs)

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Functional training


Functional training is based on imitating the movements that we naturally make every day, or we would have done if our lifestyle had not been spoiled by civilization. It is a type of intense exercise aimed at comprehensive muscle strengthening without expanding muscle mass, but with particular emphasis on restoring the correct movement patterns. Functional training is an indispensable element of physiotherapy in Blue Health Zones.

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Healthy spine


Training focusing on the spine – its stabilization (strengthening the muscles supporting the spine and responsible for the correct posture) and mobilization (restoring the natural mobility of every part of the spine. problems faced by modern human.

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Zdrowy oddech


We can live for many days without food, about a week without drinking, and only 3 minutes without breathing. Despite the fact that breath is with us throughout life and we would not be able to function without it, we do not think what it should be like. We don’t learn how to breathe and we don’t breathe properly and consciously.

Meanwhile, it is the conscious breathing that improves the comfort of life, adds energy and has a positive effect on the psychophysical balance. Proper breathing harmonizes the correct heart rhythm and the nervous system, relaxes and calms down. In people with psychological ailments, conscious breathing helps to resolve neurotic symptoms, improves mood and restores the joy of life. Proper oxygenation of the brain increases cognitive abilities, improves concentration and the ability to absorb new messages. Oxygenation of the body leads to the reduction or resolution of neuralgia, pain in the head, neck and nape area. It helps to normalize blood pressure and better functioning of the digestive system. Breathing exercises are recommended in postural defects, in particular in scoliosis (lateral curvature of the spine), chest deformities and protruding shoulder blades.

The techniques of learning and controlling proper breathing are an integral part of working on the body and mind in the Blue Health Zones.

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